
Poster Prize Winner

  • Posted on: 19 January 2021
  • By: swallac5

Congratulations to 3rd year PhD student Jack who won poster prizes recently at the RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Chemistry Postgraduate Symposium and Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe V (ASBE V) conferences. Well done Jack! You can find a link to his graduate work here.


Stephen is Awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship!

  • Posted on: 18 January 2021
  • By: swallac5

Stephen has been awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship! This is a huge boost for our lab's research, which we will use to launch the MICRO-CAT project 2020. This ambitious project aims to construct new modified microbial cells that can produce an increased range of indutsrial chemicals from sustainable feedstocks using a unique combination of synthetic biology and synthetic chemistry. With this comes funding for two PDRAs and a research technician from 2020.
